Ocean Photographer of the Year | 1st Place Fine Art - Ocean Fine Art Photographer of the Year | 2023
Underwater Photographer of the Year | 2024 | Black & White | Highly Commended
Close Up Photographer of the Year | 2020 | Animals | Finalist
Underwater Photographer of the Year | 2017 | Up & Coming | Highly Commended
A pair of lemon gobies have made this shell their home. Bali, Indonesia.
A tiny juvenile anemonefish swimming in the safe tentacles of its anemone-home. Cebu, Philippines.
Do you see me? An anemonefish in bubble coral. Cebu, Philippines.
Admiring the beautifully intricate patterns of a puffer (Arothron mappa). Malapascua, Philippines.
A larval lionfish, beautifully translucent and intricate, taken during a blackwater dive. Moalboal, the Philippines.
A juvenile pufferfish hiding inside a pink barrel sponge. Saint Lucia, the Caribbean.
When a magnificent Bartlett's anthia (Pseudanthias bartlettorum) in Mactan, Philippines, gives me the eye.
A larval scorpionfish taken during a blackwater dive in Moalboal, Philippines.
A pregnant hairy shrimp perched on seagrass. Dauin, Philippines.
A red banner blenny (Emblemariopsis ramirezi) in Saint Lucia.
Idiomysis like to live in small groups, they each measure mere millimetres in length. Moalboal, Philippines.
An egg cowrie shell taken in Cebu, the Philippines.
A santa clause pygmy seahorse in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
A common ghostgoby (Pleurosicya mossambica) in Bali, Indonesia.
A soft coral crab (Hoplophrys oatesil) blending in the coral. Cebu, Philippines.
Lizardfish are carnivorous and feed on fish. They can be seen holding the catch with their many sharp teeth.
Several juvenile fishes have made this jellyfish their sphere — a small safe haven adrift in an unpredictable and vast ocean. Anilao, Philippines.
A tube anemone larva (Larval Cerianthid) in Anilao, Philippines.
A yellow line arrowcrab (Stenorhynchus seticomis) in a pink barrel sponge found near the Lesleen M wreck in Saint Lucia, the Caribbean.
A golden goby (Lubricogobius exiguus) roars from the doorstep of its home, a discarded beer bottle on a dive site in Anilao.
A mouth-brooding tiger cardinalfish with a mouthful of eggs. Anilao, Philippines.
Clingfish inside a feather star, Indonesia.
An amphipod finds shelter in a tunicate. Moalboal, Philippines.
A santa claus pygmy seahorse taken in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
A juvenile yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus) swimming. Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines.
Face to face with an anthia. Cebu, Philippines.
A pregnant Doto Nudibranch caught stargazing in the waters of Bali, Indonesia.
A barred blenny (Cirripectes polyzona) peeking out. Cebu, Philippines.
A gaudy clown crab sleeping during the day in a finger sponge. The polyps of the finger sponge is what it will feed on comes night. Saint Lucia, the Caribbean.
Chasing around the ever so hyper juvenile leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon meleagris) in Anilao, Philippines.
A harlequin swimming crab (Lissocarcinus laevis) sheltering in a tube-dwelling anemone it calls home. Dauin, Philippines.
A breathtaking moment: when the pink-eyed goby I have been stalking finally yawns. Anilao, Philippines.
A juvenile anemone fish taken in Male Atoll, the Maldives.
A flamboyant cuttlefish in peak of hunting action. Dumaguete, Philippines.
A Ribbon eel (Rhinomuraena quaesita) taken in Male Atoll, the Maldives.
A white tip reef shark resting during the day. South Atoll, Maldives.
Cephalopyge trematoides shot in Anilao, Philippines. This pelagic nudibranch is the only known species in its genus.
A dusky jawfish with a mouthful of the next generation. Saint Lucia, the Caribbean.
A golden goby (Lubricogobius exiguus) in the depths of a San Miguel bottle it calls home. Anilao, Philippines.
Chamberlain’s nembrotha (Nembrotha chamberlaini) in Anilao, Philippines.
A false Mombasa lionfish (Pterois paucispinula) swimming. Philippines.
A clingfish in feather star. Raja Ampat, Indonesia.